Quality at Diksha Ayurveda is not just about products and process. Every company employee is responsible for quality of his or her own work.Quality concerns everybody and is not delegated. We accept responsibility for our customer's products.
" Where Quality Precedes All Other Considerations "
Diksha Ayurveda consistently meets and exceeds its own stringent quality assurance standards as well as those imposed by regulatory bodies. A highly trained Quality Assurance / Quality Control staff has at its disposal numerous Laboratory and specialized analytical instruments.
IQ /OQ / PQ validations have been completed on all applicable equipment. In addition, we are registered drug manufacturing facility with an impressive inspection record. Our staff is experienced in compliance with documentation of registration dossier of various regulatory authorities.
Safety, Health & Environment:
As a socially responsible company, we are continuing our efforts with commitment to consistently minimize the impact on environment.
We comply with all local & national legislations pertaining to safety, health & environment.