• Its natural ingredients improve mental quotient, memory span and concentration ability.
• It has excellent calming effect- beneficial in treating insomnia, anxiety, stress, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.
• Useful in treatment of memory and learning disorders – attention fluctuation, concentration impairment, language and learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder
• Beneficial in behavioral disorders – hyperkinetic states, asocial behavior, temper tantrums, aggressive behavior, enuresis
• Effective in treatment of anxiety and stress-related disorders
• Also very helpful in overcoming mental fatigue
• Manoyog Is a Tonic for Children & Adult
• Helps to improve memory
• Helps to prevent cognitive impairment and age-related dementia
• Beneficial for Alzheimer, Parkinson and epileptic patients
• Helps to improve learning skill, memory retention and motor function
• Helps to attenuate stress, anxiety and depression
• It Enhances Immunity And Promotes Mental Faculty
• It Prevents Mental Fatigue
• It Facilitates Sustained Intellectual Activity
• Improves memory
• Stimulates nervous system
• Promotes mental growth